This Blog is collection of my poems that come to my mind on the situational feelings / thoughts that cross through my mind. They are either based on real life event or are based on inspirational line from my readings. They are just the work of art & have No connection to My personal Life in General. 20/11/2012 - Even though I had stated that my poems are just work of art, but some of my poems have been Presented Negatively so I have taken them off
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Relations - Time is the Controller
Friday, November 2, 2007
For My Sweetheart (To Be)
Here I am writing few words that I think I would be prefer to recite to my sweetheart (to be J) They are not related to anyone whom I know in person J
Today I thought to express
My Feeling that I often suppress
But think being a novice
My emotions lacked that spice
I never knew how to bow
For my Love for thee to Show
So when I came over on thy side
Hardly I knew the rules to abide
In the process thee got hurt
And I hit the rough & dirt
Hence I sat to write
To make thy smile a little bright
Please read this full
Before thee think it’s void and null
I feel for thee is for sure
My Love is tender and Pure
I hope the words do convey
Without getting thee to dismay
I Love thee, I want thee to know
For thy Love I now Bow
Saturday, July 21, 2007
गुजारीश वफ़ा-ए-सनम से
दे सको तो देना खुशी न देना गम
कि गम का समंदर होता बहुत गहरा है
माझी तो छोडिये साहिल तक डूब जाता है
कि गम-ऐ-उल्फत में हम ना जी सकेंगे
तेरी तनहाई में जाम भी ना पी सकेंगे
कि पैमाना भी जब उठाते हैं
कमबख्त उसमें भी तेरा अक्स नज़र आता है
सोचते हैं कि धुंए में गम को छोड़ देंगे
लेकिन डर है कहीं धुएँ में तेरी तस्वीर ना नज़र आए
डर की दुनिया में हम कब तक जीते जाएंगे
क्या कभी तेरी बेवफाई से निजात पा सकेंगे
अब गर चाहत ये है ऐ सनम
कि ना रुसवा हो हमारी मोहब्बत
और ना कहे ये दुनिया हमें दीवाना
तो दे मुझे अपनी मोहब्बत कि खुशी
गुजारिश यही है तुझसे ऐ सनम
दे सके तो देना खुशी ना देना गम
कि गम के साए में बेजार होगी ज़िन्दगी
बेआबरू होंगे हम और बेवफा कहलोगी तुम
Sunday, July 1, 2007
तेरे ही गम में अपना लहू जलाता हूँ
ना चाहते हुए भी अक्सर तेरे अक्स में
मैं अपनी रौशनी ढूंढें जाता हूँ
रोशनाई कहीँ कम ना पडे
ये सोच के अपने लहू से
मैं ये नज़्म लीखे जाता हूँ
गुजारीश करता हूँ आपसे आज
ना ही करो रुसवा यूं मेरी चाहत को
ना झुकाओ पलकें यूं
भर नफ़रत नीगाहों में
और यही इल्तजा है आज ए सनम
की मरहम बन इस नासूर-ए-दिल का
ले आगोश में लावारीस मेरी इस लाश को
सुकून मीलेगा मेरी रूह को तेरे साथ से
की जीते जी तेरा साथ ना मिल तो क्या
मर कर तेरा साया जो नसीब हुआ
Friday, June 22, 2007
Will Wait be Ever Over?
Does Wait ever get over? The thoughts as they hit me at this hour today the 22nd June 2007 at the
When I was a kid, I waited
Waited for parents to permit
Waited for teachers to permit
Waited all the time
I waited along
For myself to grow up
When I stepped in college
I waited
Waited for my exams
Waited for the semester to be over
I waited all along
For myself to be ready for job
When I stepped in the Job
I waited, waited yet again
Waited for my projects
Waited for my appraisals
I always waited
For me to reach home
Once I got married
I still waited, waited long
Waited for time to rest
Waited for my kids
And I waited
Waited for Kids to grow up
Now at the fag end of life
I sit with my love my wife
Holding her hand in my hand
Sitting on the Sea shore sand
Just waiting once again
Waiting for the Final Call
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Just Trying to Reach You
In my daily life
I do a lot
I do a lot to live
I do a lot to survive
But at the end of the day
When I come back home
All my efforts are concentrated
Just Reach You
Sunday, May 27, 2007
दिल की कलम से
कि दीखता है मंजर असली
बजते हैं साज़ सारे...
जब छेड़ दो तार दिल के
नहीं मालुम क्यों....
तुमने आवाज़ दी ...
और हम रो दिए ....
आंसुओं की जगह कलम से
कागज़ पर ये
शब्द बिखेर दिए ...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Is it Love
Your face twinkling in dim light
Your arms folded as cross
And your eyes gazing across
Stood there totally mesmerized
As in your beauty I dived
I got plunged in the depth
That in your eyes I crept
As you turned towards me
I went weak in my knee
Lost as I was in my thoughts
Felt as if I was a caught
As you walked in my direction
I saw the marvelous creation
The creation that's so perfect
Not even for God to object
The so perfect pair of eyes
The so perfect pair of lips
The so perfect flow of skin
The so perfect flow of hair
Whenever I see you around
It seems to be the surround
Surround of the nature
Surround of Beauty
Is this nothing but the Sign
the Sign for my love
My Love for you
Its plainly the Sign
Am falling in Love
Waiting for You
This wait is somehow not new
I have waited with patience
Because I know the essence
Essence of your Love
O'my Sweet Dove
In past I tried looking around
On the sky and on the ground
Even bent my knee
To look in the sea
Tried to smell in the air
To get a feel of your Hair
It seems that you are hiding
On my feelings you are riding
Please come out of your den
My heart skips now and then
With my age on the of knife
It seems nearing End of Life
---------Signing off with a hope---------
To see you soon
Before I see my life's last moon
Why But Why
Why don't you just keep rhyme
Why don't you sit and relax
Why don't you put aside the Axe
All this time I saw
Your anger has been raw
Raw with your honesty
Just like a clan a dynasty
If it just were my fault
It would have been a jolt
But then Don't blam me
cause am not going on my knee
It was more of the situation
That went through a sensation
I should not given an explanation
But am sufering from exhaution
Why are you doing all this
Forgetting the time of bliss
I might have hurt your pride
But I was always by your side
You need to understand this
Am not giving any chance a miss
I want all this to end
No more words to ever Bend
Let live in Peace and Harmony
To taste frinedship's Honey
You are just a wonderful Person
Be it spring or winter season
I just fail to understand -
Why are you playing trumpet Band..??
In the Meanwhile
From life not asking for more
I would just sit tight
Waiting for moment just right
Now that I am free for issue
Waiting for you is my every tissue
I hope you on your Way
To meet me one fine Day
Life has been on a stand still
From the day you changed your will
Wait has been the work on me
Am here down on my knee
If you would not meet me here
I would ensure to be there
Test of patience is too High
Blood in my Heart is to Dry
Please come back to my life
To be my soul and my wife
For me this is the only way
Remembering that day of May
The Way You Walk
Walking on the ground
My heart almost jumps
Heartbeat just thumps
When thy hips move and sway
My eyes just stick to the way
Looking at thy awesome curves
Blood rushes through nerves
With thy foot claps approaching
Heat of moment goes scorching
When you cross my seat
Our heads node and eyes meet
When thee pass on the smile
That takes me several miles
Intoxicating is thy fragrance
Full of Eroticism and romance
Thee just ignite Love for thee
With the way thy walk past me
That walk and those looks
Seem to me tenterhooks
I shall always pray
For that lovely sway
Cause its mesmerizing
and tantalizing
The Way You Walk
To My Love
to the length of the Sky
From the brightness of Sun
to the Darkness of Night
I was searching for you
Though I always knew
Where did you go
Still wanted to know
Now that you are here
I request you to hear
What I am gonna tell
Might give us a spell
If you can spare time
Or if can spend a dime
It would be really nice
To re-roll the Dice
You know what I mean
With my heart as Clean
I beg you to be there
My grave is dug where
Welcome Back
The World
We just look for a Girl
A Girl to Fit our Dreams
A Girl to Love our Grins
A Girl to Hold our Hand
A Girl to Blow our Band
A Girl to Hug and Kiss
In Her absense to Miss
I am also single and looking
With my life grining and mocking
Though have and Open Booking
For the place in my Heart
But you never saw that feeling
In my heart that's reeling
With these words I let you know
In the name of Love I now Bow
Come and accept my love
You are my Darling my Dove
I ask you to me my life
Be with me as my wife
You love me tell me that
Make my day an immortal date
Listen to me one last time
Let your Yes be the wind Chime
Waiting here I am for your Word
The Walk and The Wind
With your hand in mine,
Under the moonlit sky
Your face has that shine
The mild bustling Wind
Making your hair flow
Reflecting moonlit from sea
Making your face to glow
The shine of your face
The glow in your eyes
The charm in your voice
All making me to say
I want to Say something with my might
While my heart is going low in plight
Looking at your smile makes me shy
I want to speak but my throat is dry
I just put my mouth
Right close to your ears
And whisper through
The sound of waves
Don't go away ever from me
I beg you while down on my knee
I love you is all I would say
I propose you this evening of May.......
Please Come Back
where my memory rhymes
I go back to past
that's beautiful and vast
I remember whent it strikes nine
You were with me all mine
Your Face full of Glow and Shine
Our heart and Soul were all align
But the same old story of destiny
Which once again went on mutiny
Step child as treated it me always
Sends me and you on different ways
I never want you to get hurt
For that I am ready to hit dirt
To see your face filled with smiles
I am ready to cover all the miles
If you think I am the reason
For your heart to pain
I Appologize to you
For your Love is my gain
I request you not to go
For this in front of you
On my knees I bow
Once more to Say
Remembering the Times
You saw me and smiled
Do you remember the first time
We met for coffee and spoke
Do you remember the first time
We held hands and Walked
Those were the sweetest moment
I spent with you
And those were the moments
I carried forward with me
Dunno on which turn of the life
You left me and just left me alone
Trying to Forget
Where I feel am in cage
In a cage of your love
In a cage of your memories
Looking around myself
I only find to be in shelf
In the Shelf of your aura
In the Shelf of your Charms
Is it just nostalgic
or is it your magic
Dunno if this moment
is sad or tragic
Whatever it is
It keeps me haunting
I try to forget, but
My Heart keeps Waiting
And its waiting for you
You know its nothing new
It's my love for you
That's as fresh as
Drop of Morning dew
Straight From the Heart
Under the moonlit sky
Watching the Stars
With my heart
Full of Agony and Plight
I was thinking of you
Looking Beyond
The frame of time
Was searching for you
In the Darkness
Was searching for you
In the Moonlight
Was searching for you
In the twinkling stars
With my heart drown deep
In Agony and Plight
But you were gone
for once and for all
All away from me
lost in the time's sea
What is that drove you away
If you had to go
Why You made a castle
Of Sand and clay
In Search
Just to take a walk and rome
Not knowing my destination
I crossed many civilization
Sat under a lonely hood
In the middle of a dense wood
Slept in the lap of Land
Under the open sky's star Band
Covered with denim jeans
Clueless of what my act means
I just wandered around
With the nature's surround
Why I did this you want to know
I would tell for your face to glow
It was just almost out of blue
That I went In Search of You
Thinking of You
Through the gushing winds
In the middle of the night
With all my might
I was thinking of you
Was thinking of the time
I spent with you
This turbulence in my life
Was not sudden or spiked
It was always building up
From when you disappeared
Last night was the height
When thoughts gave to Plight
Your Voice still makes that Mark
In my Life
So What if I love you
for the simplicity in you
for the mischiviousness in you
for the depth in your eyes
for the dimples in your cheek
for the sweetness in your talk
for the sway in your walk
for the beauty of your Soul
for the lovely smile on your face
for the intriguing looks
for your love of the books
So what if I love you
for the gem of person you are
You don't have to love me back
Cause I just love you
for what you are
the confidence that oozes
from your Body Language
Please don't love me cause I love you
Please don't lvoe me for money I spend on you
Please don't love me for attention I give you
Please don't love me for anything but
My Honesty and my truthfulness
Everything else in me is void to guess
![]() While the Rain was Falling, My Heart was Calling And its you, my Love, for whom it was Yelling Scorching Sun, Wild Hot Winds Summer's peak, Ocean's Creek O Sweetheart, O darling won't you speak? Summer's passed, Springs gone Still, My heart is, all Alone Shivering Winter cold, makes your figure Bold, in my heart Autumn's High, Baby's cry, Trees Sigh for their leaves dry Without you Baby, Trust me, I'll Die Season Come, Come and Go My heart Beats, Beats High and Low When shall we meet, never to retreat From our walk for love and future |
Significance of Tear
why do we cry?
why these tears roll down?
from where, do they come in eyes?
tried looking for an answer
in every nook and corner
but then could not find
even in the sharpest mind
then one day I forgot
to hit my meeting spot
called my darling from her walk
straight she was on the point to talk
I reached there only to see
She was crying waiting for me
I just held her in my arms
trying to cajole her with my charms
I was trembling and in fear
when I caught hold of her tear
I asked tear about its origin
hear the story of tear begin
tear told me the whole show
while jumping high and low
then the tear said
and my wait paid
Below is how the tear told me the story am putting it the way tear told me. Here you go -
Tear -
Here is something you should know
in front of your luck I bow
its for your presence I go
cause you sink in heart too low
you displace me from my home
I can go anywhere even to rome
I give you all my wishes
to be togather till you are ashes
Kissing Tale
Kiss N Tell
Jut Coz I Love You
Life's Full Circle
Many of us complain to life complain a lot about life, but why? Why don't we see that Life comes once only... and moments in life are to be cherished....Complaining about life doesn't help because the energy and the time we waste in complaining about the Life and cribbing about the things that went wrong can be very well utilised to identify where were we wrong, wrong to have come across such situations.... We need to remember one thing that Life also has follows the Rule of Gravitational Pull....Whatever we give out comes back to us in one or other form....Life comes once but the moments in life at times repeat and the moments are interrelated in one or other way...thus completing the circle of Life...the vicious Circle.... Life's beautiful - For those who know Hindi / Urdu - Kyon karein shiqwa shikayat zindagi se.. Milega wahi jo hai naseeb mein... parwar digar ki inemat hai... ki tumko mile ek haseen zindagi... na bahao aansoon apne na dekho bekar ke sapne.... ____ aur mujhe koi shikwa nahin hai zindagi se..... khush hun mein apne is chote jahan mein.... gar shikwa bhi kiya to kya..... mera gujara waqt laut aayega? |