Tuesday, July 28, 2015

कलाम को आखिरी सलाम

खुशनुमा जहाँ को जो कर गए 
अवाम के पास अपना जो नाम छोड़ गए 
खुदा  के उस बन्दे को सलाम 
ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम को मेरा सलाम 

दुनिया में जो भारत की साख बना गए 
अपने कर्मों से जो भारत का नाम कर गए 
उस हस्ती को मेरा सलाम 
ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम को मेरा सलाम

कर्मठ नेता जिसका था कर्म में विश्वास
देता रहा ज्ञान जब तक निकली नहीं आखिरी श्वाश 
ऐसे कर्मद कलाम को सलाम 
भारत के सच्चे सपूत को सलाम ॥ 

The Blast

When they cause that blast
They just leave us aghast
In shock and surprise
We look for some reprieve

But they being they
Just stick to the Guns
They think they would martyr
To be with God in heaven

Least they think they would rot in hell
For spreading the gun powder smell
To spoil the beauty of life
They are ought to be sliced with knife

When they open that indiscriminate fire
In the hell they light up their pyre
Off they would be kicked on the butt
Wouldn't get even a single virgin in their hut

For the light they burn in their home
With the blood of innocent humans
They are bound to rot in hell
Certainly not to bound in any divine spell

When they cause that blast on earth
They prepare themselves for dearth
The dearth for mercy in the court of humanity
The dearth of mercy to be in divinity!!!

Be in Sight

I will love you with all my might
Never go away from my sight
I will make everything go right
Please don't add to my plight

Be the beauty in my life's dome
let the bygones be bygone
I will keep loving you through night
Just don't disappear from my sight

I can feel the chill in the summer
I can see that lame runner
Like a bird you may fly
Taking my love far far away

I promise I would always love you
Let me for always be your beau
I don't want to lose you even in dream
For life be my flower be my cream

Never go away from my sight
For you make my life so bright
I always lived trough the dark shades
Never ever seen beyond a spade

For your love ends all my plight
Please always be in my sight
Never ever go away to ad agony
Play with me the music of life's Symphony

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Standing Alone in the Crowd

Standing alone in the crowd
Waiting for the fate to turn
This wasn't my destiny
But, I landed in this situation

Walking through the glaring sun
Marching towards the colder zone
I meet the hurdles in my life
Though I myself have not been a hurdle

I stretch my hand to get some help
They do hold my hand 
Not realizing that I am asking for help
But thinking I am there to help them

Several time I had to divert from goals
To help them for they thought I would
But then they forgot that I exist
With their focus on their own life

Least they bother about me
Least they think of my pain
They more not bothered even
When I yell out in agony

All the way in my journey
I have been the cause of help
But nobody ever asked me
If I have been ever helped

They are not bothered
For them I am just a helper
This is not my destiny
But, I landed in this situation

Standing alone in the crowd
Half way through Life's journey
I don't feel that its my destiny
But. I landed in this situation

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

कुछ तो लोग कहेंगे

कुछ तो लोग कहेंगे 
जोक्स से वो जरूर चिढ़ेंगे 
उनको तो बस करना है मनमानी 
बद्तमीजी है उनको करनी 

क्या खुद कहते हैं क्या खुद करते हैं 
उससे बेपरवाह रहते हैं 
लेकिन दुनिया में कहीं कोई कुछ करे 
तो उसपर ऐतराज़ करते हैं 

खुद दुनिया को कहें अपशब्द 
तब खुद का बड़प्पन मानते हैं 
वहीँ अगर हम करें छोटा सा मज़ाक 
तो कहते हैं मर गया रज़ाक 

क्या इन लोगों के जीवन में कुछ नहीं है 
ऐसे लोगों के जीवन से मिलती है सीख 
कहीं जरूरत न हो तो ना चलो अपनी ज़बान 
चमड़े की बनी है कहीं फिसल ना जाए॥ 

Sunday, July 12, 2015


ये कैसा राष्ट्र है मेरा
ये कैसा देश है मेरा
जहाँ सोना है माँ की गोद में
छुपना है माँ के आँचल में
और खाना है माँ के हाथ से
पर बेटी से नहीं भरना घर

ये कैसी सोच है हमारी
ये कैसा समाज है हमारा
जहाँ राखी बांधने को बहन चाहिए
साथ खेलने को सखी चाहिये
और वंश बढ़ाने को बीवी चाहिए
पर बेटी किसी को नहीं चाहिए

अरे संकीर्ण सोच के स्वामियों
जरा ज्ञान चक्षु अपने खोलो
चहुँ दिशा में देखो अपने
अपने मष्तिस्क को टटोलो
अरे देखो सारे रिश्तों की डोर
हाथ बढ़ाओ बेटियों की ओर

कोख से उनको इस संसार में आने दो
की एक कोख जपेगी तभी दूसरी बनेगी
भविष्य में मान,बहन, बीवी चाहिए यदि
तो जनमने दो हर घर में बेटी अभी 
नहीं होगी बेटी अगर तुम्हारी 
तो मानो कम होगी एक माँ, बहन, बीबी 

अरे बेटी तो लक्ष्मी का स्वरुप है 
समय आने पर रणचंडी का रूप है 
अपने बाप का मान है वो 
अपनी माँ का नाम है वो 
एक बेटी कितना सुख लाती है जीवन में 
जानोगे तभी जब नहीं मारोगे उसे कोख में!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

It Just Rained

It just rained out there
After days of wait every where
The water just poured down the sky
As if God was giving life a try

The grass on the ground started breathing
For it had been in the sun all seething
Trees just swayed with the flow of wind
As if dancing to the tune of rain's music

The life for once again felt hopeful
Birds and creatures sounded cheerful
Deep down beneath the crust of soil
With joy the seeds just started to boil

O'God, please know that we need water
O'God, please bless us as adequate and proper
But please ensure that the supply us ample
just to let the life survive and have supple

Thursday, July 9, 2015

अम्बा स्तुति

ॐ नमो भगवती भार्गवि 
माँ जगदम्बा नमो नमामि 
जय जय हे दुःखहरणी 
जय जय हे सुखकरणी 

नमो नमः शैलपुत्री 
नमो नमः दुर्गा कल्याणी 
जय जय हे अम्बे गौरी 
जय जय हे काली कात्यायनी 

नमो नमः ज्योत्सना किराती 
नमो नमः चण्डिका महागौरा
जय जय हे देवमात्रे पार्वत्यै 
जय जय हे धर्मज्ञानायै धर्मनिष्ठायै 

जय अम्बे अम्बालिके  अहोशनी 
जय जय है शिवकान्ता शिताक्षी 
जय शरण्या त्रयम्बके गौरा 
जय जय हे शारदा सिंहयाना 

ॐ नमो नमः भगवते भार्गवि॥ 

Why for You

When you were not mine
Why did I want you
When you were not with me
Why did I intend to be with you

When the world was standing by 
Why did I wait for you
When the whole world was sleeping
Why was I awake for you

It was neither my love for you
Nor was it my hatred for you
But still there was something
That held me to be for you

Unknown are all the reasons
All of them beyond comparisons
I am not sure why I did
What I did for you!!


I have been like this for ages
I have been like this for life
Before you met me, I was I
After you met me I have been I

Your love for me turned me
It turned me in who am I
Your love for me moulded me
It moulded me in what I am

I was I from when I know myself
Could not change to be decorated in shelf
I was human and will be human
For the ages I would live

Your love could mould me
Your love could turn me
Your love could not change me

I have been who I am 
Your love just polished it
I have been what I am
Your love just sharpened it

For your love I couldn't change
For your love I couldn't bend
That shouldn't mean I don't love you!!!!

जीवन से आशाएं

आशाओं से भरा ये जीवन
या जीवन से बनी आशाएं
किस बात को हम माने
किस डगर पर हम जाएं

देखें यदि जीवन को
तो लगता है नीरस बिन आशा के
किन्तु पहलू दूसरा देखें
तो जीवन से भी हैं आशाएं

 जीवन की हर डगर पर
बीज आशा का बोते हैं
आगे बढ़ते हुए हम जीवन में
सफलता की आशा करते हैं

बिन आशा के जीवन अधूरा है
दिन आशा जीवन में अँधेरा है
आशाओ से भरा जीवन परिपूर्ण है
जीवन से आशाएं भी महत्वपूर्ण हैं॥